Smart Groups


Smart Groups is a feature that enhances space utilization insights by categorizing users into behavioral groups based on consistent patterns like duration of stay, visit frequency, and mobility. This enables detailed space usage comparisons, improved decision-making, and tailored space optimization strategies. The feature ensures privacy by using anonymized and aggregated data, complying with GDPR and ISO-27001 standards.


Smart Groups is a powerful feature designed to enhance your space utilization insights by providing the ability to view space usage by automatically generated behavioral groups, with the goal to enable more effective space planning, design and operational strategies.

Key Benefits:

  • Detailed comparison of space usage among different behavioral cohorts.

  • Improved decision-making for workplace strategy, management, and design.

  • Tailored space optimization strategies for distinct user behaviors.

How Smart Groups work

Smart Groups leverages advanced AI and data analytics to categorize users into distinct groups based on consistent behavior.

Behavioral analysis - InnerSpace's insights engine analyzes location data along behavioral lines such as duration of stay, frequency of visits, and mobility.

Group formation - Based on these dimensions, our system then looks for (completely anonymized) individuals who are displaying consistent behavior along these lines and groups them together in segments that make sense and would be interesting for space planning, allocation and design purposes (see detailed group definitions below).

Insight segmentation - Once the Smart Groups have a population of members, InnerSpace then provides these groups as dimensions through the InnerSpace portal and API, allowing our customers to slice and dice insights and hone in on a specific group's use of space.

Smart Group inclusion criteria

It's important to note that only a subset of people in a space will be included in a Smart Group. For the system to designate people as part of one Smart Group or another, the system must detect consistent and sustained behavior over a reasonable timeframe to have the confidence to justify a label such as "Half-day worker".

As an example, if someone has spent 2 weeks coming into the office every day, and then another 2 weeks coming in only 1 day a week, it would not be fair to label them either as a 5-day-a-week person, nor as a 1-day-a-week person. As a result, there will be employees whose behaviors are volatile enough that they don't fit cleanly into any Smart Group. Despite this, Smart Groups will still be able to highlight trends that we can confidently define, to power better workplace decisions.

Detailed group definition

Smart Groups looks for categorizes users into the following cohorts, if it discovers strong signals of consistent behavior over time:

  • Full day: In the office for more than 5 hours.

  • Half day: In the office for less than 5 hours.

  • Quick visits: In the office for less than 2 hours.

  • High mobility: Changes locations often.

  • Low mobility: Rarely changes locations.

  • Mid-week warriors: Comes in on Tue/Wed/Thu.

  • Consistent weeklies: Comes in every week consistently.

  • Occasional monthlies: Comes in occasionally over the month.

Smart Group updates

InnerSpace recognizes that behaviors can change and spaces can evolve, so we regularly update Smart Groups by re-evaluating the behavior of the group membership and deciding to add or remove people. These updates ensures that groups are created with precision and accuracy, leading to better insights and more confident workplace reporting.


As with all InnerSpace insights, Smart Groups are generated uses completely anonymized and aggregated data, scrubbed of all personally identifying information, in compliance with GDPR and ISO-27001 security and privacy standards.

Last updated