Onboarding materials

To ensure a smooth onboarding process, the following materials and information are required:

  1. Access Points (APs) and Controller Information:

    • Make and model of all APs

    • Controller type and firmware version

  2. Building Information:

    • Names of buildings and floors

    • Floor plans with AP locations indicated

    • Blank floor plans (for heat maps)

    • Zone layout for each floor, including zone names and capacities

  3. Team and Space Information:

    • Teams associated with each zone (if possible)

    • Types of spaces (e.g., Large Conference Rooms, Phone Booths, Workstations)

    • List of AP names and corresponding MAC addresses

  4. Technical Contact Information:

    • Contact details for WAP calibration call

    • Names and emails of everyone needing logins to inTELLO

  5. Additional Building Data:

    • Badge data (if available)

    • MAC addresses of issued devices and corresponding teams (if needed)

Last updated