Innerspace portal tile descriptions

Tile nameDefinition


This traffic count tile provides a visual representation of unique visitor counts over a selected timeframe. It adapts to the user's chosen period, offering insights into foot traffic patterns.

  • Timeframe Selection:

    • Month or Week: Displays daily traffic counts.

    • Day: Shows hourly traffic counts.

  • Visualization:

    • The bar graph format makes it easy to spot peak traffic times and trends.

    • Each bar represents the count of unique individuals for a specific time interval (hourly for day-long, daily for week/month).

  • Usage:

    • Ideal for understanding visitor flow and identifying high and low traffic periods.

    • Helps in resource planning and optimizing space utilization based on actual usage patterns.

People overview

The People Overview tile provides a snapshot of the composition of visitors within a selected timeframe, breaking down the data into new and returning individuals.

  • Metrics Displayed:

    • New People: The percentage of unique visitors who are being counted for the first time within the selected timeframe.

    • Returning People: The percentage of visitors who have been seen before the selected timeframe and are returning.

    • Total People: The total count of unique visitors during the specified period.

  • Timeframe Selection:

    • Users can select a specific date range to analyze visitor patterns.

  • Usage:

    • Useful for understanding visitor retention and the balance between attracting new visitors and retaining existing ones.

    • Helps in assessing the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at increasing new visitor traffic or improving visitor loyalty.

Time on site

The Time on Site Daily tile provides a measure of the average duration that visitors spend at the site during the selected timeframe.

  • Metric Displayed:

    • Average Time on Site: The average amount of time, in hours, that visitors spend on-site per day within the specified date range.

  • Timeframe Selection:

    • Users can select a specific date range to view the average time spent on-site during that period.

  • Usage:

    • Helps in understanding visitor engagement and how long people stay at the site.

    • Useful for assessing the effectiveness of on-site activities and amenities in retaining visitors.

    • Can aid in identifying trends related to time spent on-site and inform decisions for improving visitor experiences.


The Frequency tile provides an overview of how often individuals visit the site within a selected week-long timeframe, presenting the distribution of visits over the week.

  • Timeframe Selection:

    • Currenlty only functional for a week-long timeframe to capture visit frequency accurately.

  • Metrics Displayed:

    • Distribution Percentages: Shows the percentage of people who visited the site 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 days within the selected week.

    • Visualization: A pie chart visually represents the distribution, with each segment corresponding to the percentage of unique people who exhibited the associated behavior in terms of visits per week.

  • Usage:

    • Useful for understanding visit patterns and the regularity of visits.

    • Helps in identifying the proportion of frequent vs. infrequent visitors.

    • Can inform strategies for improving engagement and optimizing resources based on visit frequency.

Busiest meeting room

The Busiest Meeting Room tile identifies which meeting room is utilized closest to its capacity within the selected timeframe, providing insights into room usage and occupancy levels.

  • Metrics Displayed:

    • Room Name: The specific meeting room that is most frequently at or near capacity.

  • Timeframe Selection:

    • Users can select a specific date range to analyze which room was the busiest during that period.

  • Usage:

    • Useful for understanding meeting room demand and identifying the most popular rooms.

    • Helps in planning and optimizing meeting room allocations and resources.

    • Can inform decisions for expanding meeting spaces or adjusting booking policies to better meet demand.

Least used meeting room

The Least Used Meeting Room tile identifies the meeting room with the lowest utilization within the selected timeframe, providing insights into underused spaces.

  • Metrics Displayed:

    • Room Name: The specific meeting room that is utilized the least.

  • Timeframe Selection:

    • Users can select a specific date range to analyze which room was the least used during that period.

  • Usage:

    • Useful for identifying underutilized meeting rooms.

    • Helps in optimizing the allocation of space and resources.

    • Can inform decisions for repurposing or promoting the use of under-utilized rooms.

Meeting room usage by time

The Meeting Room Usage by Time tile provides a visual representation of the percentage of time that meeting rooms were occupied versus available within the selected timeframe.

  • Metrics Displayed:

    • Booked Percentage: The proportion of time that meeting rooms were occupied.

    • Available Percentage: The proportion of time that meeting rooms were free and available.

  • Timeframe Selection:

    • Users can select a specific date range to analyze room usage during that period.

  • Visualization:

    • The data is presented in a clear, easy-to-understand pie chart format, with distinct colors for booked and available time percentages.

  • Usage:

    • Useful for understanding overall meeting room utilization.

    • Helps in assessing the demand for meeting rooms and identifying periods of high or low usage.

    • Can inform decisions on managing meeting room availability and improving scheduling efficiency.

Last updated